Purchase Info
Payment can be made using the shopping cart provided by Artspan.
This will direct you to Paypal where you will complete your transaction.
Sales Tax:
Sales Tax will be automatically calculated for UT residents.
Purchased paintings over $250.00 receive free shipping in the US.
Small paintings will be shipped USPS Priority Mail. Depending on the size, shipping can range anywhere from larger paintings requiring a sturdier box, to medium sized paintings that require careful packing. These paintings will
be shipped UPS. Because of differences in shipping within the US and Internationally, the artist will contact you to discuss charges. Many times these charges are built into the cost of the painting. All paintings are shipped insured.
Satisfaction Guaranteed:
If you wish to return your painting, you may do so within 14 days from the date of receipt.
Use the contact page to notify me of the return. Please purchase insurance to ensure reimbursement
to you in case the painting is lost or damaged in transit.
Feedback: Customer feedback is greatly appreciated and can be sent using the contact page.